Blog Update

Saturday, November 21, 2015

My last book review was published on September...

It's mid-November already and still, no sign of book review on the way! Ugh, wow. School must really brought me this joy of having no leisure time.

Hello! Gee, this is just an update so my blog won't get flies. I can't believe it's almost two months since my last book review on the blog, and as far as I know, I have no new finished books since then because school works are piling up on me. I read books on my spare time though but not enough to finish even a single book. Oh wait, I did finish TWO books. One is Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer but I didn't enjoy it so much and I haven't had the time to write a review about it. I could have written a lot about it though, sadly, the book is not fresh in my mind right now so I can't write about it. The other book I finished was Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier. I haven't had a review on it because I thought I would do a trilogy review. It was a good time travel book. I love those, although this book was kind of just about the world, time and character building, so the fun is only halfway across the book and I'm looking forward to the next book, although I haven't started on it yet. :D

Okay, so apart from the two books with no review, I started reading three books unintentionally.


I bought A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. I vowed to read all of his heart-wrenching books so when I saw a pre-loved books sale at @bookhavenph (ig), I bought it and read it right after I received it. It was such a beautiful book and I am on the hundred and twenty-ninth page my heart is starting to slowly shatter itself into pieces. I can't wait to finish it, though and prove my theory about the title (Just like what I did on And the Mountains Echoed).

I read The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks when I saw my sister brought home this book from the library and I snatched it from her, remembering that I still haven't updated my #NSReadAThon and realized that I won't be able to finish my goal before the year ends. Pftt.

Lastly, I am reading my e-arc copy of Kiss Kill Love Him Still that The Fantastic Flying Book Club provided for the blog tour. So far, I am enjoying it and I still have no idea who the killer is.The scavenger hunt was already finished but you can still view the profiles of the potential killers of Jackson Landis, just click here.

I am so behind all my challenges. Gee.
Goodreads challenge: 33/40 (83%)
Popsugar Reading Challenge: 19/50 *^* ( you can visit the full list here)


On its last two readers by this time and hopefully, it would be finished before 2016 so we can open a few spots for other people who would want to annotate books with us! I'm so excited! If you don't know what this is all about, click here or read below:

Project Annotations Ph is a kind of little book club wherein we pass around a book per month. The book can be annotated (either on the pages of the book itself or using sticky notes–depending on the owner of the book) by each reader. Comments, thoughts, reactions, and short messages can be written, favorite quotes may be underlined or highlighted–anything goes. Each reader is given a week with the book. When this done reading, he/she will then send it to the next person. This goes on until the book is back to the owner.The goal is to make the reading experience more interactive and intimate despite the geographical distance between each reader.

So far, this is the pilot testing or sorts and I am the second person to read and annotate the book. I am doing this project with my fellow Filipino booklr friends Nickole (@ishieemouie), Alena (@dustypromises) and Ellen (@thereaderandthebook). The book we are working on is Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I haven’t read the book yet, and seeing the annotations made by the previous reader just makes me all the more excited about diving into this.


  1. I'm sort of doing the Popsugar Reading Challenge too but I only got 28 books out of 50 so far. Haha!
