#15DaysOfLying for E. Lockhart's Book Signing in PH.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Want to know what this fuss is about? E. Lockhart is going to Philippines!!! Yeah, do I look excited? Yes I am, but the thing is, I can't go. ;( So I'm supporting this event by pinoybooktours, in the hopes of winning a signed copy or shirt. Want to know how to join? Check out the details below or click this link. This is open to Philippine residents only.

1. Lie. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and write a lie. Create graphics containing a lie. It can be a lie about anything. Say you hate books, you hate your favorite show, you hate doing things you love, you hate eating your favorite food. Anything!

2. Post it in your social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram! On twitter, please tag us @pinoybooktours because we will be retweeting all lies for the next 15 days.

3. Don't forget to use the hashtag #15DaysofLying

4. The event will be from March 7th to March 21st, the day before E. Lockhart's Manila signing.

Will there be prizes? Yes, there will be. We will be picking the best lie the day before E. Lockhart's signing and two lucky people will win:

- A Signed We Were Liars shirt (that will more or less look like this)
- A Signed copy of We Were Liars

Okay, so today was the date I asked for this event but I also posted a lie last night. I'm going to share the two lies that I squeezed out of my unlying brain *oops, a lie!*.
I just commited a sin... I lied, so I just admitted to y'all that I do judge a book by its cover ;( . Yes, I do. I actually experience love at first everytime I enter a bookstore, so that's way too much love at first sight in a lifetime, right? But what about those that are not eye-catching or fascinating but still has a beautiful story? I still check them out and moreso if they're highly recommended.
I'm an absolute paper and notebook hoarder. Even if I have no good use to it, I still buy them anyway. Am I weird? Is it stupid? Nope, what I wrote is just a lie :p

Of all the lies I made up, this one is my favorite. Because to some, it may not be a lie but for me and other bookwormies out there, this might be the greatest lie of all. We will never be ashamed to be seen holding a book in public because books are part of who we are now.

So what lie are you gonna tell to win the signed book and shirt? What do you think of my lie?

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